Creative Confidante


How to Study for the New NCIDQ Prac 2.0 Exam

Julianne Rodriguez
How to study for the prac 2.0.jpg

While the fall 2017 exam will be the first time that the Prac 2.0 will be administered, and while I have not taken it, here is how I would prepare for it. 

To start, while it has moved to a digital format, it is still designed to test the same body of knowledge as the past Practicum exam. For example, instead of hand-drafting a space plan, candidates will be asked to evaluate a plan as it relates to the given program. So it's important to know how to synthesize the information given in the case studies to determine the solution. 

If I were taking the Prac 2.0 exam this fall, here's how I would study for it:

  • Study the NCIDQ Building Code Requirements: while you will be given these code requirements during the exam, it is important that you study them prior to taking the test. They contain information necessary to answering several questions correctly. It's important to know these inside and out, so you are not wasting precious exam time searching for the code referenced.

  • Review the NCIDQ Prac 2.0 Exam Blueprint

  • Study from the recommended study material. Don't forget to use promo CCN15 for 15% off!

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  • Take the NCIDQ Prac 2.0 Quiz to experience the test platform in a 40 question practice quiz.

  • Do a timed mock exam using the NCIDQ Prac 2 Practice Exam book. It's so important to simulate an exam experience prior to your exam, so put away your laptop and phone, set a timer for four hours and take the practice exam. Time management when taking the exam is critical, as you will have about a minute and a half to complete each question. If you didn't complete the full exam during the time allotted, that's absolutely ok! It's better to run out of time during a mock exam, than when you are taking the actual Prac 2.0 exam. Each time you take the exam, you will get better and faster.

  • Grade your mock exam, and study the questions that you answered incorrectly. When I was studying for the NCIDQ exams, I learned so much more by grading my practice exams and reviewing the answers to the questions that I answered incorrectly. It showed me which areas I needed to study more, and which areas I was proficient in.

  • Repeat! Practice makes perfect - the more you study and take practice exams, the better prepared for the exam you will be.

As I mentioned, I have not yet taken this exam, so this is just how I would personally study for it, and how the CIDQ recommends to prepare for the test.

How are you preparing for the Prac 2.0? I'd love hear from you!